Monday, September 10, 2012

Material Generators

     Material generators are some more tools that teachers can use to enhance instruction. Material generators can include desktop publishing software, interactive whiteboard software, and worksheet generators.
     Desktop publishing software enables students to create printed materials that mix text and graphics. Desktop publishing software is similar to word processing software, but desktop publishing software displays each page as a separate entity rather than text that continues from page to page. In the classroom, I have used word processing software but not desktop publishing software. I am interested in using desktop publishing software so that students can create their own brochures, flyers, and newsletters. I think that it would be great if students could help compile the weekly newsletters. If students have ownership of the newsletter, they are more likely to show the newsletter to their parents.
     Interactive whiteboard software lets teachers create lessons similar to slideshows which have objects that students can manipulate to demonstrate concepts or explain topics. I have used interactive whiteboard lessons often. Many of the lessons that I teach have interactive whiteboard slideshows which support the lessons. These interactive whiteboard lessons range from copies of the textbook or workbook pages that students can complete during whole group instruction to classroom games to videos to virtual math manipulatives that every student can see. The interactive whiteboard is one tool that I use daily.
     With worksheet generators, teachers can type in the information that they would like students to practice, and the software creates the worksheet without the teacher having to format the questions or really do any work besides input the information. I use worksheet generators in the lower grades to create specific handwriting worksheets like , "I am (student's name). " There are many worksheet generators online, but I really like


  1. I love the interactive whiteboard activities!! They are so much better at getting the students involved!! I know if we would have had these when I was in school, I would have been able to pay attention a little better!! :) Looking at a book non-stop can be so boring, so this allows the children to get involved and get up and move a little!!

  2. I love the interactive white board. The students are eager to learn when they can be involved, and this is a tool that really involves them as long as it is utilized correctly. My students think it is just "cool" to write on my powerpoint or play a game on the whiteboard. They get so excited when I take out my popsicle sticks, because they know that someone is fixing to write with the magic pen.

  3. I didn't even think about the Smart board as a material generator and it is my favorite one yet! I use it to create centers for small group rotations in math and reading. Also, it is great for creating lessons tailored to your students' needs. The students are more engaged using Smart board lessons, so I use them as much as possible. I don't know what I would do without material generators in the classroom. They are an invaluable resource.

  4. I love my interactive white board too!! I'm not sure how I taught without it. I use it for whole group, small group, and individual instruction.
