Sunday, September 16, 2012

Digital Citizenship

     We live in a digital world just as much as we live in a conventional world. Therefore, good digital citizenship is just as important as good citizenship in the conventional world. Being a good digital citizen has much value since many people may only interact with each other through digital media. People may form an opinion of someone based only on what the person has posted online. If the person usually posts factual, positive information, thoughts, or ideas, then the person may very well have a good reputation online. Also, if the person's account is hacked and unseemly messages are posted, others may well know to disregard those messages as spam or other "junk". 
     When interacting in the digital world, use the same thought and courtesy that you would use in the conventional world. Your online reputation is just as important as the reputation that you build offline. My grandmother always says that "your reputation will get there before you do." Keep that in mind, and be a good digital citizen.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that people should use the same thought and courtesy that they use in their daily life. Good post.
